
Date: Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Time: 13:20
- Everything is Amazing and Nobody's Happy -

After I watched the video of Louis C.K, it got me thinking…

Technology is advancing at such a fast rate. As teenagers, we rarely take the moment to be grateful for what we have. Instead, we continue to seek for newer and better products. We beg our parents to buy us the most expensive electronics, and once we have it, something new and improved (and more expensive), comes along. There’s a countless amount of things we do each day that we take for granted, or don’t even realize how remarkable they are. Cars, public transit, cell phones, computers, televisions, credit cards, air planes, the internet, mp3 players and digital cameras are a few examples.

When Louis commented on how “we live in an amazing world, but it’s wasted on the crappiest generation of spoiled idiots that don’t care”, I felt somewhat offended. It may be true that we often take things for granted, however, we grew up having a variety of technology around us. We never had the chance to live “back in the day”, so it’s difficult to make a comparison. The only way we know this is by hearing about it from our parents or other older people.

Years ago, it wasn’t common for people to own computers, and those who did, only spent a small amount time using it. Today, I can truly say that almost 100% of Canadian’s own a computer or laptop. Some households even have more than one. Transportation has also made an improvement throughout the years. In the past, people had to walk, bike or ride a donkey to their destination. Now, we are able to drive, take public transit, train, airplane or many other ways to arrive somewhere.

I have to admit, I wouldn’t be able to live a day without using technology. Just this weekend, my cell phone wasn’t charged and I couldn’t use it. I felt completely lost without it, and I would panic every few minutes, wondering if someone was trying to call. To add to that, I spend hours on the computer, typing up my homework, talking to friends on MSN or just browsing the internet. It’s hard to believe there was once a time where people had to write out their homework, send letters to communicate with friends and the library was their only method of researching. It’s incredible how we are now able to do almost anything, INSTANTLY! Our lives may be consumed by technology, but it has made everyday tasks more convenient for us.

I think Louis C.K. effectively got his point across, and he did it humorously. There’s no doubt that we need to cut back on the amount of time we use the computer, talk on the phone or watch TV. We would greatly benefit from spending more time outdoors, or with family. With that said, I am curious to know what new technologies await us. Our society is ever growing, and new advancements are made every day. Maybe someday we’ll all own hover cars and robot servants. ;)
