
Time: 12:46
- Good-bye CommTech ;( -

WOW, this year has gone by extremely fast! It seems like just yesterday that I was sitting in CommTech, doing Photoshop tutorials. I am definitely going to miss working in the area every 4th and 5th period, since I will not be taking the course next year. However, I have certainly gained a lot of knowledge about Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Movie Maker. Even though some projects were very time consuming, I felt very satisfied at the end.

Multiple Exposure

I absolutely loved working on the “multiple exposure” project. I found myself making other pictures that weren’t being marked. However, I had a few difficulties in the process of creating my multiple exposure. When I tried capturing the pictures outside, the natural lighting from the sun would often change, which affected the outcome of the pictures. Also, a slight movement of something between the frames can influence the final picture. I had a problem with lighting in my final picture, and it was too dark. When I opened the window in my room, the lighting from the sun would constantly change, causing each frame to be inconsistent with the last. As a result, I was forced to close the blinds, and use indoor lighting. The lights in the room were pretty dim, so the overall picture wasn’t as great as it could have been. With that aside, I enjoyed creating a story line for the picture. I call it, “Waking up Hannah” because four of them were trying to wake up the “sleeping Hannah”. I got the idea from a Dove commercial that I was watching at the time and the Ad was also called “waking up Hannah”.

Circus Collage

The Circus Collage was another one of my favorite assignments. We were given lots of freedom, were able to incorporate personal things and express our creativity. The circus performer that I was acting as in my collage was a juggler. I was juggling books (which represented units), a clock (time) and a pillow (sleep). I felt that it was an appropriate representation of my life because it is important to have balance. Along with that, I included the flag of China and Philippines, a photo booth picture, a bus transfer, a bottle of “Fuze”, mangos, my cat, pictures with my friends and a few other things. Overall, the Circus Collage was fairly simple and I didn’t face any difficulties, other than arranging the photos so it wouldn’t look too cluttered


To do the “pattern”, we learned basic Illustrator skills, and mainly how to vectorize an image. In my opinion, it is very time consuming to vectorize an image, especially when it is very detailed. A problem that I had was that the school computers took really long to save each project. In addition, as I was saving one of my vectors, someone turned off my computer, causing me to lose the image. I was forced to start over, which required at least 2 hours. The images that I used for my project was a blue butterfly, a boom box and a brown rabbit. When I was copying and pasting each section of the pattern, the computer would often freeze trying to load the image. This got me frustrated at times, and I was relieved when I finally finished.

Eccentrick Inspiration

 For my Eccentrick Inspiration, I chose Russell Peters because I feel that he brings cultures together with his humor. I think that the concept of this assignment was very interesting and the final outcome was wonderful. I struggled putting the patterned background together.  The first time I made an attempt, it was hard to see the face because the background of the pattern was white, so I had to change it to black. To change the colour, I had to go back to the original pattern and paint the background in Photoshop. Afterwards, I tried copy and pasting the background together but then there was a huge gap between each piece and it was very noticeable at the end. I continued to edit the pattern until it finally turned out right. I was proud of the final image because Russell Peters was very recognizable.

Weccentrick Video

The Weccentrick Video was the last project of the course, and it required Movie Maker for the video and Photoshop and Illustrator for the CD cover. We didn’t have a tutorial unit about Movie Maker, so we were left to explore the program on our own. I’ve used Movie Maker in the past, so this wasn’t a problem for me. My partner and I chose the theme, “I am a kid at heart”. The video was an expression of how free and child-like we often act. I really enjoyed filming, putting the video together and creating the CD cover. However, the project was very time consuming, and the school computers were too slow for us to work with. That meant that we had to work on the video separately at home, and send it back and forth to each other, after each draft. Also, the CD cover dimensions that were given to us in the unit guide were incorrect. I had to play around with different dimensions in order to fit the CD I had. I ended up improvising and leaving a white border around the covers. The final video and CD case turned out great, but I think it could have been better if my partner and I started a bit earlier, for more time.


(^ I don't know why it does this :\ )

CommTech was an AWESOME course, and I’m going to miss it ;(  


Time: 01:51
- EccentricK -

This year’s Mary Ward art show had the theme, EccentricK. I was surprised by the whole outcome of the art show. While the art work was being set up, I didn’t expect everything to be that great. I was definitely proven wrong when it was complete. This the second year I have experienced an art show at Mary Ward, and I have to admit that the school is filled with many talented and creative students. I was especially impressed by all the art work the senior students created. They definitely inspire me to continue taking art. There were many interesting art pieces that I saw, and I wish I had the chance to take a picture of all of them.

This year I took two art courses (visual arts and communications technology), so I contributed a great amount of my time for the set up and security during the art show. I spent most of my time exploring, and admiring the art work displayed throughout the basement, for the duration of the week.

I really enjoyed the films created by the seniors, particularly, “Like a Star”. The story line was very touching, and the acting was tremendous. They should really consider the film industry. Besides the films, my favorite art piece was dress created by Danielle Roche. It was beautifully made, and I could actually imagine myself buying a dress like that. The whole display and background caught my attention. It is evident that she truly enjoys art, and her hard work is really evident. I wish I had half the originality and imagination that she has.

I am sad that I will not be a part of the art show next year, because I won’t be taking any art course. After seeing all the impressive and unique art pieces, it makes me reconsider my decision. EccentricK was definitely a success!


Time: 00:54
- Excuse me while i answer my phone... -

Cell phones are one of the greatest inventions ever! They allow us to have a conversation with anyone, anywhere, instantly. They can also be used for texting, playing games, browsing the internet, listening to music and taking pictures or videos. Cell phones are so versatile, and they are compact enough to fit in your pocket. Why wouldn’t anyone want to have one?

I remember years ago when cell phones were the size of bricks, and were only used by business men. Now they’re the size of our palms, and are used by people of many ages. I often see 8 year olds (or at least that’s what they looked like) owning cell phones and I think to myself, why would they possibly need a cell phone. However, I look back to when I was in grade seven, and realize that I was just like them. I begged my parents for months, to get me a cell phone and I used reasons like, “I could use it to tell you where I am” and “I won’t always be on the house phone anymore”. At the time, my older brothers were asking my parents why I even needed a phone, just like I’m doing right now to younger children. Cell phones are now for “all ages”, and have become a necessity in our lives.

People are often caught up with their phones that they forget about their manners. I confess that I have been guilty of doing so. Speaking loudly on the phone in a public area, texting while talking to someone in front of you, extremely loud ringtones, answering a phone call without excusing yourself or using a cell phone in places like school or church, are a few examples of inappropriate and disrespectful behavior. Although these behaviors are common amongst teens, I don’t believe that they’re the only ones at fault. I often catch adults speaking loudly on the phone, driving and talking at the same time and answering the phone without excusing themselves. I regularly experience this while I am riding the bus. It’s irritating when people practically scream at their cell phones, telling the person on the other line their whole life story.

To avoid coming off as rude or inappropriate, here are a few rules regarding cell phone manners:

1) Do not talk on a cell phone while driving. It is now a law. As much as you want to believe you can multitask, it is better to be safe than sorry. Your focus should mainly be on driving, and you can always call someone back if you get a call. The chances of getting into a car crash are also greater.

2) Turn your phone off at appropriate times. It’s not right to have your phone ring while you are at church, work, school or a hospital. You would be disturbing people who rather have silence, and it is disrespectful.

3) Speak at a suitable tone. It is difficult for people to have their own conversations when all they can hear is yours.

4) Watch your language. This rule isn’t limited to cell phone use. Derogatory language is disrespectful and can offend the people around you.

5) Keep phone calls short, while with company. Nobody likes the person who completely ignores them to talk to someone else on the phone. Call the other person back (unless it’s your parents). Be considerate.
